Star Calendar – July 2016

Star Calendar July 2016 Star Calendar Planets: Moon will show only 1/7 of her fullness on the 7th of the 7th month. 7/7 is the date of the oriental star festival called Tanabata – when two lovers (stars Vega and Altair), separated by a river (the Milky Way), may be… Continue reading

Star Calendar – May, 2016

Star Calendar May, 2016 Star Calendar Planets: Moon is Full three, or sometimes four, times in a season but the names that various cultures have assigned to characterize the circumstances around various full moons of the year generally number 12 – leaving the occasional unnamed one. Similarly the Hebrew luni-solar… Continue reading

Star Calendar – January 2016

Star Calendar January 2016 Star Calendar Planets: Moon rises on the autumnal equinox point and beneath Jupiter as the New Year opens. On the 7th it accompanies Venus and Saturn in morning twilight in the ESE and then begins another week or so of moonless dark nights. On the evening… Continue reading