Advent Zodiac

Advent Zodiac Scorpion – Serpent Holder – Crown From November 23rd to December 18th, most of Advent, the Sun is passing through the constellation of Scorpion. However, this is not entirely correct. Though Scorpio stretches along the ecliptic plane (the path of the Sun), it’s stinger tail curves well below… Continue reading

Star Calendar – December 2016

Star Calendar December 2016 Star Calendar Planets: Moon begins the month by visiting some planets in heliocentric order, then occults Aldebaran again before making its long-night excursion just after perigee. Solstice evening and Christmas eve will be absent the Moon – hence very dark. Then the last two Classical (visible… Continue reading

Star Calendar – December 2014

Star Calendar December 2014 Star Calendar Planets: Moon crosses the line of Vernal Equinox while setting at around midnight as December begins, then is highest for the month on the 6th, rising (just Full) above Orion around 6:PM. On the 15th Moon crosses the Autumnal Equinox while rising around midnight… Continue reading